Bullets found in post

Bullets found in 12 envelopes which were addressed to Sinn Fein councillors in Northern Ireland have been intercepted by postal workers.

Staff at the Royal Mail sorting office in Mallusk, outside Belfast, raised the alarm after finding the suspicious packages on Wednesday.

The police said each of the parcels contained a single bullet.

They have been taken away for scientific examination.

One of the letters was addressed to Sinn Fein’s North Antrim MLA Philip McGuigan.

He said acts of intimidation would not work.

‘Sinister development’

“It was quite obviously the work of unionist paramilitaries trying to intimidate Sinn Fein representatives and party activists from carrying on their work,” he said.

“This is something that they won’t be able to do.”

Fellow party MLA Caitriona Ruane said it “a sinister development and a cause for concern.”

“This latest threat to Sinn Fein representatives comes on the day unionist and nationalist politicians enter an intense phase of negotiations designed to consolidate the peace process through the restoration of the power-sharing institutions.

“Unionist paramilitaries seem determined to undermine these efforts but republicans will not allow themselves to be deterred from the job at hand.”