SAOIRSE Online Newsroom


Joe Lynch, Limerick Republican Sinn Féin

September 9, 2004

A call has been made on the Mayor of Limerick by the local branch of Republican Sinn Féin to boycott the visit to the city on Friday of the daughter of the Queen of England because of the role the British Crown has played in Ireland.

RSF Munster spokesman Joe Lynch said the visit by Princess Anne to the University of Limerick is an insult to the two mayors of the city who were murdered by British Crown forces.

“We are calling on the Mayor of Limerick Michael Hourigan to refuse to meet this representative of the British Crown – she is a Colonel in Chief of a British Army regiment and represents the British military machine,” said Mr. Lynch.

“If the Mayor goes ahead and meets the daughter of the Queen of England in City Hall he will be in sight of the Strand where two Limerick Mayors were murdered by the British forces during the War of Independence.

“The fact that O’Callaghan Strand and Clancy Strand lining the River Shannon across from his office are named after two of his predecessors must surely register with Mayor Hourigan.

“However the record of Fine Gael in relation to licking so called royalty is appalling considering the lavish praise heaped on Prince Charles by John Bruton the former party leader.

“Now is the time for Fine Gael to take a stand against this attempt to normalise British rule in Ireland. It is all part of the process to pretend that partition no longer exists – but the fact is partition is being copper-fastened by events like these and we feel the Mayor should not take part in this charade.”