Belfast Telegraph

Sinn Fein motion causes council row

By Nevin Farrell
11 March 2005

A row has flared after a council meeting had to be abandoned in Co Antrim after a unionist walk-out ahead of a proposed Sinn Fein debate on the subject of a united Ireland.

Around eight DUP and Ulster Unionist councillors, including the meeting chairman, DUP deputy mayor councillor Ian Stevenson, left Ballymoney Borough Council before Sinn Fein councillor Philip McGuigan had the chance to raise his motion.

With only Mr McGuigan and two SDLP councillors present, the meeting had to be abandoned as a quorum of four councillors was required to enable it to continue.

Mr McGuigan claimed council rules now mean that his motion must be the first matter under discussion at the next meeting of the council and said, if unionists continue to walk out “ad infinitum”, it would mean council business could grind to a halt.

“This walkout shows a lack of political courage from unionists that they could not discuss this matter,” said Mr McGuigan.

“It further reinforces our argument that it is Unionism that is opposed to power-sharing; it is their representatives who walk away from the table.”

Mr Stevenson hit back, saying: “I don’t need to answer for my actions to Councillor McGuigan. By my own actions I stand or fall. His notice of motion was a blatant election stunt.”